High School Counselors » NEWS - FRESHMAN-CLASS of 2028



For any student who will not receive credit in one or more courses, we recommend coming to summer school.  The cost is $150 and summer school begins on May 28th. Summer school forms are in the high school front office. Transportation & food service is NOT provided for summer school.  High School summer school is for students to pursue regaining failed credits through the Edgenuity online platform. Students must complete the course(s) with a passing grade for any credit to be awarded.

Students and families both have access to Skyward grades to check to see grades for courses and to determine where a student stands on earning course credits.

Additionally – in high school, to advance from one grade level to the next, students must earn minimum credit totals.

To be classified as a Sophomore (10th) – must have earned 6 credits on their transcript

To be classified as a Junior (11th) – must have earned 12 credits on their transcript

To be classified as a Senior (12th) – must have earned 18 credits on their transcript


Although STAAR scores have not arrived yet, we wanted to share with you the STAAR Re-Testing Dates (8 AM):

June 18th – ENGLISH 1
June 20th – ENGLISH 2

In the event that your student is not successful on one or more of their STAAR End of Course Exams, we will have STAAR Tutorials preceding the retesting dates.  (see table below)


Algebra 1




US Hist


English 1 & 2



Wood – B205



Collins – B211


Wood – B205



Curtis – B211


Wood – B205



Curtis – B211


Wood – B205



McHam – B211


Wood – B205



McHam – B211


Wood – B205



Curtis – B211


Wood – B205



Curtis – B211


Wood – B205



Curtis – B211


Wood – B205



McHam – B211


Wood – B205



Curtis – B211


Wood – B205



Collins – B211




1. Be sure to complete online registration on the shisd.net website

2. ALL students must have a current Proof of Residency at the time of schedule pickup.  Also -all fines and fees must be paid and any school materials including chromebooks and chargers returned before a schedule is released.

3. Sophomore Schedule Pickup - AUG 9th 8:30 - 11:30

Meet the Teacher - AUG 12th - 2:00-3:00 pm



Looking for a volunteer opportunity? - The Longview Public Library is always looking for volunteers, age 13-18, to help in the Youth Department.  Students may help with shelving materials, tidying the department, or help with programs for younger children.  No experience is necessary and we are more than happy to train volunteers.  We offer flexible hours and can work with the student’s schedule.  Also, we are happy to prepare recommendations for jobs, colleges or scholarships for our volunteers.  If you are interested, contact Monica Wood, the Youth Services Supervisor at (903)237-1027.


Labor Market and Career Information (LMCI) for HB5:  For the 28th consecutive year, LMCI will be operating a bilingual toll-free career information Hotline at 1-800-822-PLAN.  As an alternative to on-line career information resources, a student call to the Hotline will result in career information for up to three occupations or colleges of their choice; in addition to a handful of useful brochures on financial aid, finding the right job, and a pocket resume. 

On-Line Reality Check:  There is nothing more motivational than seeing the relevance between educational attainment and your earnings power.  Reality Check, www.texasrealitycheck.com, is designed to help you understand the connection between lifestyle aspirations and the importance of postsecondary education. Reality Check allows students to make lifestyle choices, create a budget, and then view the occupations and preferred education levels that support those choices.  There is also an APP for That!  Reality Check is available FREE in the iTunes store.
Texas CARES (www.texascaresonline.com):  This a multi-media career information system, designed to help students interactively address education and career exploration questions.  Texas CARES Online is a comprehensive career information system to guide your students through the college and career decision-making process, available to every student free of charge.
Texas Work Prep (www.texasworkprep.com):  This is an on-line job search tutorial product.  A visit to this site will allow a student to take an on-line course on tips for finding a job (Texas Job Hunters Guide) or being successful on the job (Succeed At Work). Each course takes less than two hours and can be used as an excellent exercise as part of a Career Orientation course. 

A NEWSFLASH from your Counselor…

Congratulations on completing the first year of high school!  Now that the school year is almost over, I want to touch base with you to give you a few pointers to make the most of your high school career! 

  • Download the Spring Hill APP on your smartphone. It is a one stop shop for accessing your grades, the school’s website, Panther Nation, Remind 101, Blue Brigade and more.
  • At the very least, make sure YOU and your parents have access to Skyward family. This is important to view grades, attendance, and class progress.  Download the Skyward App on your smartphone!  You need to be monitoring your grades on Skyward.
  • It is important to learn how to access my website as this is the easiest way for me to deliver information out to the entire class. Go to shisd.net and follow the link to High School/Counselors
  • Watch your absences!! It is your responsibility to come to school. If you are absent from class for any reason, get with your teacher to make up your work. State attendance laws require you to be in your seat attending each class 90% of each semester to earn credits. You cannot be successful in your classes if you are not at school.
  • Time management is important. With more and more freedom comes greater responsibility.  You must take care of your business.  If you miss school for an extracurricular activity, it is YOUR responsibility to get your make-up work.  Don’t just assume the teacher is going to hunt you down and beg you to make up your work. ALERT- they won’t.  Teachers expect YOU to be responsible for YOU!
  • Do your homework. Study for tests.  Stay awake in class. Turn in all assigned work. Monitor your own grades through Skyward.  It has been noticed that many 9th graders are NOT turning in their work and accepting ZEROS.  It is always better to turn in something for partial credit than accepting a ZERO.
  • If you are having trouble in a class, GO TO TUTORIALS. Tutorials start each morning at 7:45 am. Your teachers are available to help you. Each teacher will post their after school tutorial schedule outside their door. Don’t forget Thursday Night at the Library (Thursdays from 4:00-6:00) is also a great way to receive extra help, make up work or take tests due to absences, and make up time due to absences. 
  • YES, your freshman year absolutely DOES matter. Everything you are doing in class right now will be reflected on your transcript.  Take the most rigorous courses offered that you can handle academically. Your GPA begins in the 9th Be proud when I hand you your first transcript (next fall) for a job well done!
  • You will need 6 credits by the end of your freshman year to enter the 2024-2025 school year as a sophomore. If you don’t earn the credits…. You will be retained as a 9th grader and also repeat the failed class(s) or must attend summer school.  High school is different than all of your prior school experiences in that it is all about earning credits for graduation.
  • Start preparing now for your End of Course (EOC) Exams. Remember you have 5 exams that you MUST pass in order to graduate high school (Algebra 1, Biology, English 1, English 2, US History)
  • Become involved in some organization at Spring Hill. Your high school experience will be more meaningful if you are a part of a group.  No one is going to ask you to join, you must put yourself out there and become a member of one of the many organizations available.  The PACK is a great place to start!!!
  • LISTEN to the announcements every day. You will miss out on important information if you are not listening.
  • Be careful of social media (Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram). While these outlets may be fun and entertaining to some, they can cause you much heartache if they are abused.  Be respectful and mindful of what you post and how you comment.  Remember, what you post and how you comment today lasts FOREVER!  Employers and college and military recruiters will check your social media accounts and anything damaging can and will come back to haunt you!!!!
  • If you want to begin the search for a college major and career pathway – a great tool to use is Wayfinder - https://wayfinder.utexas.edu/

CLASS RANK: The following courses count in a student’s GPA if taken while enrolled in high school:

Eng 1

Hon Eng 1

Eng 2

Hon Eng 2

Eng 3

AP Eng 3

Eng 4


DC Eng 1301/1302

AP Art


Alg 1

(taken in HS)


Hon Geom

Alg 2

Hon Alg 2

Financial Math



AP Calculus

DCMath 1313/1342



Hon Biology


Hon Chemistry

Hon Physics


Forensic Science


AP Biology

AP Chemistry

W Geo

Hon W Geo

W Hist

AP W Hist

US Hist

AP US Hist

DCHist 1301/1302

Govt / Econ

AP Govt / AP Econ

DC Govt / DC Econ


Spanish 1

(taken in HS)

Spanish 2

Spanish 3

AP Seminar

AP Research


SHHS GPA SCALEThe GPA is the cumulative numerical average of final semester grades earned for completion of a high school diploma. The GPA provides a profile of a student’s overall performance in high school.

Numerical GPA TABLE:

100 4.0                  90   3.0                  80   2.0                  70   1.0                        

99   3.9                  89   2.9                   79   1.9                  69 below=0.0            

98   3.8                  88   2.8                  78   1.8

97   3.7                   87   2.7                   77   1.7

96   3.6                  86   2.6                   76   1.6

95   3.5                  85   2.5                   75   1.5

94   3.4                  84   2.4                   74   1.4

93   3.3                  83   2.3                   73   1.3

92   3.2                  82   2.2                  72   1.2

91   3.1                   81   2.1                    71   1.1  


AWARDING OF CREDITS  - The State Board of Education has set 70 as a minimum passing grade. Spring Hill I.S.D.’s grading system is as follows:  A=90-100 B=80-89 C=70-79

        F=69 and below (not achieving mastery / credit not earned)

A student may receive credit for a full year course if the average of the two semesters is 70 or above. If the average of the two semesters falls below a grade of 70, one semester must be repeated and a grade of 70 or above earned in the semester for which a grade below 70 was earned. If both semester grades are below 70, the course must be retaken in its entirety. A passing semester cannot be retaken to raise the score. Once a credit has been earned for a course, the course cannot be retaken for the purpose of improving the grade. If a duplicate course occurs, the grade earned the first time the course was taken will stand.


Advanced credit courses are given different weight amounts for the semester grades – only in overall GPA. This weight difference is not recorded on the report card, or transcript, but is automatically calculated in the computer when figuring the grade point average at the end of each semester. The actual grade earned in the class is what is reported on the transcript and on the report card.

Honors, Dual Credit and AP courses receive the weighted points if and only if the student earns a minimum of a 70 for the semester average.

The following courses are state approved Advanced Courses: AP Calculus (AB), AP English Literature, AP English Composition, AP Macroeconomics, AP US Government, AP Art Drawing, AP Art 2D Design, AP Art 3D Design, AP Biology, AP Chemistry, AP World History, AP US History, AP Seminar, and AP Research.

Locally approved advanced courses: Honors English I, Honors English II, Honors World Geography, Honors Geometry, Honors Algebra II, Pre-Calculus, Honors Biology, Honors Chemistry, Honors Physics, and Spanish III.

The following college course work for high school credit (dual credit courses) will be considered advanced credit: HIST 1301/1302, ENGL 1301/1302, PHYS 1401/1402, MATH 1314/1342, GOVT 2305, and ECON 2301

Weight for Advanced Credit Courses (that are not AP): Students taking a locally approved advanced credit course or an approved college academic course for high school credit will earn an additional one (+1) point towards the grade point average. Example: A student’s average in Pre-Calculus is 93, which is a GPA equivalent of 3.3. Adding 1 point for the advanced course designation brings the GPA equivalent to 4.3 grade points for this course.

The following weighted system will apply for all AP courses taken at Spring Hill High School: Two (+2) additional grade points will be awarded for the successful completion of each AP class in which they are enrolled. No additional points are awarded on the basis of the AP Exam score. Example: A student’s average in AP English Language is 93, which is a GPA equivalent of 3.3.Adding 2 points for the AP designation brings the GPA equivalent to 5.3 grade points for this course.

Don’t hesitate to swing by my office anytime with questions or concerns.  For the next four years we will be working together toward the same goal…. GRADUATION 2027!  Have a great summer! – MRS. CHILDERS [email protected]